The First Layer of Defence
Fireshield products have been used extensively throughout Europe for the past 30 years, and more recently in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.
Realise your vision in interior timber whilst meeting fire compliance standards. The natural beauty of exposed timber has a textured warm aesthetic. Fireshield provides the high-level protection required for Group 1-S (NZ) and Group 1 (Australia) fire compliance without having to conceal or replace timber as part of your architectural vision. Our expert knowledge and advice will ensure you have a solution tailored to your specific circumstances.
Why use Fireshield Intumescent Timber Coating?
Interior timber surfaces gain unparalleled fire protection with Fireshield Intumescent Timber Coating. This premier clear coating, part of a two-layer protection system, provides substantial fire resistance.
Designed for commercial use, Fireshield Intumescent Timber Coating demands careful application by certified professionals and is not suitable for outdoor applications.
Trendgosa can apply Fireshield to your panels and timber products in a controlled factory environment.
Learn more about
Realise your vision in interior timber whilst
meeting fire compliance standards.
The natural beauty of exposed timber has a
textured warm aesthetic. Fireshield provides the
high-level protection required for Group 1-S (NZ)
and Group 1 (Australia) fire compliance without
having to conceal or replace timber as part of your
architectural vision. Our expert knowledge and
advice will ensure you have a solution tailored to
your specific circumstances.
Fireshield’s certified solutions provide:
• The freedom to design with interior timber
and comply with
- The New Zealand Building Code
- Australian National Construction Code
• The ability to achieve
- Group 1-S fire rating in New Zealand
- Group 1 fire rating in Australia
For interior timber using Fireshield intumescent
coatings systems.
FIRESHIELD products can only be applied by Registered Applicators.
For enquiries, specification information, datasheets, safety data sheets,
application advice, approved top coats, stains and primer coats, send your email enquiry to:
Or contact us using the form below.
Product Selector
Fireshield’s certified solutions provide:
• The freedom to design with interior timber and comply with - The New Zealand Building Code - Australian National Construction Code
• The ability to achieve - Group 1-S fire rating in New Zealand - Group 1 fire rating in Australia For interior timber using Fireshield intumescent coatings systems.